Website Design Trends In 2018

2017 saw a number of different website designing techniques being experimented with. Be it the bold colors, the smart gradients, bright texts and the prominence of graphics, a lot of new ideas were tried out.

2018’s focus of website designing will be based on the using these techniques, introducing newer ideas and focusing more on mobilizing the design for the mobile platform. So, let’s see what is in the store in 2018.

Here are some of the best website design trends in 2018.

Particle backgrounds

One of the most popular website design trends in 2018 is the use of particle backgrounds. The main idea behind this is to ensure that movements on the screen are well-integrated with the background.

This idea comes in handy when websites with a lot of videos start struggling with performance issues.

Responsive Websites

According to the trends at present, mobile surfing has officially gone past desktop browsing. Most people now prefer to shop on their mobiles rather than on the computer. According to a report by Forbes, 72% of visitors rate a mobile website as important to them and 74% of visitors are more likely to revisit a responsive website. This report speaks volumes about the need for mobile compatibility.

Thus, website designers are now more focused on making the design compatible with various screen sizes – think iPhone, iPhone Plus, iPad etc. This change would need a few adjustments like minimizing the menu screen, toning down on the size of the photographs available, opting for lower resolution pictures, and making use of space-saving icons.

Bold typography

Apart from the use of motion graphics, typography is probably the most important visual aid when it comes to website designing. The use of big and bold typography is setting up quite the trend in 2018.

A higher number of bold fonts are taking precedence now as the reading devices are increasing their sharpness. The combination of large graphics and bold fonts does indeed get all the attention.


Going into 2018, asymmetry in website design emerged to be one of the most prominent trends. This could include an asymmetry in fonts and in the grid layout. This started as an experimental trend but eventually proved to be a distinctive choice in websites layouts.

Animated visualization

2017 turned out to be a great year as animated visualization became an integral part of the website designing structure. Animated visualization tells the stories engagingly and that is what proves to be eye-catching.

Final Words

These were a few web design trends that are expected to unveil themselves in 2018. Web design is all about catering a flawless user-experience. Thus, keep evolving your website design to stay ahead of your competitors.

If you need any help with web design, or if you want to revamp your existing website, The Hawkesbury Geek is here at your service. Let’s talk!