WordPress commonly known as WP is an open source content publishing system. Created more than a decade ago, WP has become popular among online business owners as it is designed with features that make a site easy to design, navigate and enhance SEO.
5 Reasons why WordPress is so popular
Independent and stable plug-ins
WordPress plug-ins are to fragments of software that are uploaded to extend and enhance the performance and functionality of the website. If there is some functionality you require from your website it is likely that there’s a plug in for that. The Hawkesbury Geek’s Showcase of Website Features will provide a taste of what plug-ins can do for your website.
Multiple WordPress sites
Webhosting and buying a website can be an expensive affair especially for a small business owner. The availability of multi-sites option offered by WP is a great relief to thousands of online business newbies. Using this new feature, one can setup separate and fully functioning websites for business representatives without spending an extra dime on web hosting or site buying.
Super easy to use
WordPress is the best option for DIY enthusiasts as it is easy to use and navigate. In fact, there’s no need to hand code the site or use CMS, which is rather complex for a non-technical person. Easily accessible quick editing options and possibilities of linking new contents with those existing using a drop down menu saves users from outsourcing site maintenance as one can handle it with little orientation and training.
Themes availability
WP is a powerhouse of a variety of themes. Users gain access to themes designed by ordinary coders as well as those created by professional designers. Themes focusing on features and appearance are readily available in the WordPress. The software allows for site building with creatively designed social media sharing SEO enhanced, new post types e-commerce and map features. In addition to the off the shelf themes, The Hawkesbury Geek offers a custom website experience, designed specifically around your business requirements.
WordPress is versatile and easy to navigate with features that allow users to design sites that enhance business. For example, the e-commerce and SEO features if utilized well attract a host of web visitors into the site, hence creating a room for booming online business. In addition, WP comes with inbuilt plug-ins that functions alone as well as multiple site options. Users can gladly build separate sites without spending money on new websites or web hosting hence saving extra cash.
The Hawkesbury Geek specialises in WordPress websites, as they are simple and easy to maintain once the website is operational. If you would like a new website or an update to the functionality of your existing website, please have a chat with our team.